You want your lawn in Tennessee to look beautiful and lush throughout the growing season. One of the best ways to achieve this is through core aeration. Aeration entails creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deep into your turf's root system. If you have warm-season grass, such as bermudagrass, St. Augustine, or zoysia, the best time to have it aerated is in May or June. At this time of year, warm-season grass is at its strongest and will be able to recover quicker and become stronger in preparation for the summer months. It will also make it better equipped to resist stressors. Continue reading to learn more about why you should have your warm-season grass aerated in May or June.

Why is May/June the best time to aerate your warm-season grass?

If you have warm-season grass, it's important to consider the best time to core aerate it, which is May/June. This is because, with the warmer temperatures during these months, your grass will be at its strongest and able to handle the process. After all, you only want to perform aeration when it's capable of withstanding it, and May/June provides ideal conditions to ensure your lawn can endure it and recover quickly afterward.

Aeration will help your lawn better absorb nutrients, water, and sunlight in preparation for the summer.

Aerating your warm-season grass in May/June can greatly benefit its health by allowing its roots to better absorb essential nutrients, water, and sunlight. It does this by loosening compacted soil and creating tiny holes in the surface, which serve as passageways for these resources to reach them. With improved access to everything they need, your lawn will become healthier and more vibrant. As a result, it will better prepare your grass for the upcoming summer months. As temperatures rise, warm-season grasses begin their peak growing season. By ensuring that the roots have optimal access to nutrients and resources, you can help your lawn withstand any heat-related stress.

It's recommended to aerate your lawn once a year to ensure it always has the best access to all the nutrients and resources it needs to thrive!

Aerating in May/June will make your grass better equipped to resist stressors.

Aerating your lawn in May or June will make your lawn better equipped to resist a variety of stressors that can damage it, such as lawn diseases and insect infestations. Without it, compacted soil can prevent air, water, and nutrients from reaching the roots of your grass, weakening its natural defenses and making it more susceptible to pests and diseases. On the other hand, by investing in aeration, you can improve its access to what it needs to strengthen it so it can stay resilient against these stressors. That way, it's ultimately healthier and more vibrant.

Give us a call today to schedule our core aeration service for your warm-season grass.

Are you looking to have your warm-season grass aerated? If so, turn to our professionals at Picture Perfect Landscapes. We offer a reliable core aeration service to residential and commercial properties, plus HOAs, in Memphis, Midtown Memphis, East Memphis, TN, and surrounding areas. Our team of lawn care experts uses the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that your lawn is aerated properly and safely. We'll also perform this process in May/June to ensure it's at its strongest, so you can enjoy a lush, healthy lawn throughout the growing season. Don't wait until it's too late to aerate your warm-season grass. Give us a call today at (901) 246-7656 to schedule and take the first step toward a healthier, more beautiful lawn.